Now in my 60s, a recent test of my “biological” age shows I’m closer to 48.

Hello! I’m Marion Recktenwald, PhD and Aging Transformation Specialist for Body and Brain

Now, let me be clear, biological age testing is certainly not an exact science. But I’m pleased to tell you I feel stronger, more energized, and happier today than when I was 48.

You’d never guess given the physical and mental fitness levels I enjoy today that both my parents suffered from neurodegenerative diseases, including dementia and Parkinson’s.

That I had to watch my closest aunt lose her independence, suffer from chronic pain due to years in a wheelchair, and quickly accelerate into cognitive decline before dying too soon.

I’ve also faced my own health challenges with Lyme Disease, Celiac Disease, and Fibromyalgia.

Like so many of us, I used to focus on my day-to-day life — work, eat, sleep, repeat — not thinking too far into the future. But when I became both an in-person and long distance caregiver and my health issues played havoc with my mind and body — my eyes opened.

While I was already quite active and eating reasonably well, I knew that if I didn’t place an even sharper focus on my physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing, I could suffer the same fate as my parents.

And so would the loved ones in my care.

That’s when I became what I’ve coined a Dementia Detective®. I wanted to understand what factors had caused my mom, dad, and aunt to decline so rapidly.

Would genes alone ultimately serve me the same fate? Or could I slow the aging process — continuing to feel energized, productive, and alert for years to come?

Using my passion and skills for research and education I started to uncover clues and develop indicators that can help us all add quality years to our life.

I identified baselines for optimizing our health to potentially reverse, halt, or slow the aging process — allowing us to experience a strong body and sharp mind into our 80s, 90s, and beyond.

Today, through my in-person and online programs I’ve helped hundreds of baby boomers and seniors optimize their health, prevent premature aging, slow disease progression, and improve their quality of life.

Age with Joy is my way of sharing the years of deep research, theoretical knowledge, and practical experience I’ve amassed to go confidently into my later years.

I want that confidence for you too.

  • Certification, Personal Trainer, National Academy of Sports Medicine
    Certification, Brain Health Trainer, Functional Aging Institute
    Certification, Functional Aging Specialist, Functional Aging Institute
    Certification, Ageless Grace Educator, Ageless Grace®
    Certification, Boxing for Parkinson’s and Senior Fitness, FitFixNow
    Certification, Strong Over 50 Parkinson’s Disease Specialist, FixFitNow
    Previously Certified, PWR!Moves® Instructor & PT, PWR!® Parkinson Wellness Recovery
    Certification, AFA Partner in Care, Alzheimer’s Foundation of America
    Certification, Tai-Chi Instructor, Open the Door to Tai Chi
    Certification, Functional Aging Group Exercise Specialist, Functional Aging Institute
    Certification, Aqua Instructor, Yet Wet
    Certification, Zumba Instructor,